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The Female Orgasm

Despite cultural and scientific progress, there is still an air of mysticism and misconception surrounding female arousal and orgasm. Both men and women still struggle to understand what makes the female body tick.

The orgasm is the peak of sexual pleasure—a series of muscle contractions brought on by continuous stimulation of one or several pleasure centres, during which endorphins are released into the bloodstream, resulting in a feeling of euphoria and relaxation.

In men, reaching climax during sexual intercourse occurs more reliably than in women, possibly because the female orgasm is not directly related to reproductive function—only the male orgasm is necessary for conception. Most women experience their first sexual climax during masturbation.

Studies show that about 10% of women report never having experienced orgasm at all.

There is no lack of myths and misinformation surrounding the female orgasm: many still consider penetration to be sufficient means to reach orgasm for both genders, some others think women are unable to climax at all.

Most women require clitoral stimulation to get reach orgasm, but it is possible to reach climax through stimulation of other parts of the body, such as the G-spot and the anus, more rarely—the breasts, the neck, the cervix, and any other erogenous zone. Zones and preferences vary from person to person.

Consistent failure to orgasm despite of sexual stimulation is called anorgasmia—a psychosexual dysfunction that has psychological/emotional origins in stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, fear, trauma, or other negative experiences. Certain illnesses and medication can cause it as well.

Why is the mindset such an important part of reaching orgasm? What should you know before trying anal sex? Read more about the female orgasm here.

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