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Irregular Periods

The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Our lives impact our hormones, and therefore our cycles—for example, stress can delay your period. Some variation is to be expected, but bigger fluctuations are reason to investigate.

The menstrual cycle doesn’t have the predictability of clockwork. Variability is actually normal, especially for young girls during their first few years of menstruation. Many hormonal changes take place during puberty, so it shouldn’t be surprising that it takes some time for the menstrual cycle to settle into a rhythm.

In most popular media, a late period can only mean one thing—pregnancy. It’s a very real possibility, but not the only potential cause. Stress, a disrupted sleep-wake cycle, eating disorders and intense physical activity may delay or even make you skip your period. Certain medication and hormonal contraception can also affect your cycle.

Some women have naturally lighter or heavier periods, longer or shorter cycles—what’s important is knowing what’s normal for you, and noticing if something’s amiss.

Smaller fluctuations are absolutely normal, however strange or unpredictable changes may indicate health problems. There are symptoms that are more likely to indicate problems than others. Heavy bleeding and intense pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a myoma or endometriosis.

What other causes are there for irregular periods? How is this condition treated? Read more about Irregular Periods here. 

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a group of symptoms, or “syndrome”, that affects the ovaries and ovulation. It is common in women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS produce higher-than-normal levels of androgens (male hormones). This hormone imbalance disturbs the menstrual cycle—infrequent or prolonged periods; and the ovaries may develop numerous follicles (small sacs of fluid that produce hormones and influence fertility) and fail to release eggs regularly, which makes it difficult to get pregnant. An accurate and early diagnosis makes it easier to get the proper treatment to manage symptoms.
There is quite a lot of variability in the menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days long, but anything from 21 to 35 days is considered normal. Tracking your menstrual cycles can help you understand what is normal for you. This will also help you notice irregularities, such as a delayed or missed period, or spotting.