Did you ever imagine that one day you would have a personal health assistant on your phone? Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage right now, and we’re just scratching the surface of how machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies can make our lives easier. Although we tend to associate AI with cutting-edge technologies, there are many ways we can benefit in our daily lives, including helping you navigate information about your menstrual cycles and reproductive health.
Ovulation is, in many ways, the high point of the menstrual cycle. Fertility peaks, as does the body’s ability to withstand pain. You are at your best both mentally and physically. Why, then, is anxiety something many women report experiencing during ovulation?
Far from pleasant—this is how most women would describe their periods—even though menstruation is a completely normal, natural, and more or less regular process. However, menorrhagic menstruation is abnormally heavy bleeding often accompanied by severe cramps.