
Period calculator

Use WomanLog's Period calculator to predict the next period days and to understand your menstrual cycle.

First day of your last menstrual period
How long did it last (days)?
Your average cycle length (days)
How long did it last (days)?
Your average cycle length (days)

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Period Calculator - Visual representation of a tool to estimate menstrual cycles, ovulation, and fertility for reproductive planning
Cycle tracking with an accurate period calculator can help you better understand your body and your health. Learn the benefits of using a period calculator and try it for free on WomanLog!
Unraveling the Impact of Premenstrual Exacerbation on Mental Health.
Menstrual and mental health are interconnected and can impact one another. Sometimes the effect is so strong that it disrupts your daily life. Hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders, and other dysfunctional reproductive processes can make you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and even depressed.
Embracing Freshness - Tips and Tricks for Comfort During Menstruation.
One of the challenges women face is managing the inconvenience of menstruating while keeping up with all their usual obligations. We’ve compiled some helpful suggestions for keeping things fresh while you’re ‘on the rag’.